Advances in the Management of Acute Spinal Cord Injury: What is new? What is hot?

Dr. Michael Fehlings, Staff Physiatrist, St. John's Rehabilitation Hospital - Sunnybrook

At the end of the session, the participants will be able to:

  • Describe the role and timing of surgical intervention for acute spinal cord injury and the concept of "Time is Spine"
  • Describe the revised guidelines on the role of methylprednisolone in the management of acute spinal cord injury
  • List current trials of neuroprotective agents with a particular emphasis on the sodium-glutamate blocker riluzole
  • Explain current and planned trials of regenerative therapeutics including neural stem cells, bioengineered scaffolds and the Rho Inhibitor VX-210

Musculoskeletal Trauma Rehabilitation: An Overview

Dr. Ed Hanada, Staff Physiatrist, St. John's Rehabilitation Hospital - Sunnybrook

This session will give a general overview of rehabilitation after major musculoskeletal trauma. The topics covered will include the characteristics and injuries of typical musculoskeletal trauma patients, common barriers to progress during their inpatient rehabilitation, and the elements of a physiatry consult on the trauma ward. The session will be of value to: Physiatrists, Medical Students, and Residents.

At the end of the session, the participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the rehabilitation principles of musculoskeletal trauma
  • Explain the major barriers to progress after musculoskeletal trauma
  • Summarize the main elements that comprise a trauma rehabilitation consult

Burn Rehab

Dr. Matthew Godleski, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto/Sunnybrook HSC

The session will be of value to: physiatrists, medical students, residents, therapists.

At the end of the session, the participants will be able to:

  • Describe the implications of burn injury for functional recovery.
  • Describe rehabilitation interventions following burn injury.
  • Recognize specific complications of burn injury that can impact rehabilitation.

The gloves are off: Does post concussion syndrome really exist?

Dr. Mark Bayleym, Medical Director & Senior Scientist, Brain and Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program, Toronto Rehab.
Dr. Shawn Marshall,
Medical Director for Acquired Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre

Using a debate format, the two presenters will take opposing views towards the post concussion syndrome. The audience will be invited to Actively participate in the debate about whether post concussion syndrome really exists.

At the end of the session, the participants will be able to:

  • Name at least four reasons why post concussion syndrome is controversial
  • Discuss the overlap between post concussion syndrome and other post traumatic conditions
  • Name the pros and cons of treatment based on the attitude one takes on the post concussion syndrome

Acute Trauma Care: From EMS to End of Life

Avery Nathens , Surgeon-in-Chief and Medical Director of Trauma, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre

This presentation will highlight the evolving changes in trauma care from the origin of trauma centres to higher level trauma systems. Their effectiveness in reducing mortality will be highlighted but then session will transition to the long term outcomes of patients with severe injury: what is known and how little is known about the relationship between acute care to quality of life. This session will be of value to practitioners across the spectrum of trauma care including physicians, allied health, residents and students.

At the end of the session, the participants will be able to:

  • Summarize the impact of trauma systems and trauma centres on survival
  • Summarize the evidence pertaining to long term outcomes after injury
  • Explain the gaps in knowledge as to how acute trauma care impacts quality of life and functional outcome

Unique Therapeutic Qualities of Botulinum Toxin A Products – A review of the 3 current toxins in Canada and their similarities and differences

Nancy Simonot

Nancy (& NKS Health) are a nominated Finalist in the prestigious EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2017 Ontario Awards program for the Health category.

An Update on Cervical Dystonia

Alfonso Fasano, Staff Neurologist, Associate Prof, Clinician Investigator, Toronto Western Hospital - UHN, University of Toronto, Krembil Research Institute


Cervical dystonia is the most common form of dystonia in adult age. It is characterized by involuntary muscle contractions that cause abnormal movements and positioning of the head and neck. Symptoms of it are often associated with pain. This distinguishes this form from other dystonia. The drug of choice is botulinum toxin. It effectively reduces both pain and abnormal excessive muscle activity. In some cases, particularly where there is not obtained the full recovery after treatment botulinum toxin we used drugs for systemic effect. To increase the effectiveness and reduce the side effects of botulinum toxin more commonly we used administration of toxin under the EMG and ultrasound control. In refractory cases, deep brain stimulation targeting the globus pallidus pars interna is used.

The session will be of value to: Neurologists, Orthopaedics, Physiatrists, Medical Students, Residents

At the end of the session, the participants will be able to:

  • Identify the signs and symptoms of cervical dystonia;
  • Identify the basics of deep brain stimulation and botulininium toxins treatment for cervical dystonia
  • Identify the best therapeutic strategy for patients with cervical dystonia.

ApolloWhy Medical Cannabis?

Bryan Hendin, President & Founder of Apollo Applied Research
Gena Loheswaran, PhD – Director of Clinical Research, Apollo Applied Research

At the end of the session, the participants will be able to:

  • Describe the basics of medical cannabis use
  • Understand the medical cannabis legal framework in Canada
  • Summarize Apollo’s research & preliminary findings