As a guide, if the presentation is to occur over 60 mins, please keep the presentation between 35-40 minutes:
- 5 min Introduction
- 35-40 mins Presentation
- 15 mins Q&A
You may instead choose to have a 55 min presentation providing you employ interactivity throughout though it would not allow any time for Q&A.
To help prepare, would like to set up a rehearsal of the webinar at a time that is convenient to you.
Every thing that we need is in this online form: for you to complete. It will help us to develop the communication plan, populate the program, online registration and eblasts. The declaration of conflict of interest, objectives and brief description of the session are required for MOC Section 1 accreditation. Verbs for writing learning objectives are attached.
Remember that learning objectives should be:
- SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-Focused, Time-Focused, or
- Apply Bloom’s Toxonomy: Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, Create!
CPD Requirements for Your Presentation
At the beginning of your presentation, you must verbally notify the audience of any real or apparent conflict(s) of interest that may have a direct bearing on the subject matter of the program. As well, at the beginning of your presentation you must identify the learning objectives specific to your presentation which should also be inserted into your slides. If you are a speaker in a session with multiple presenters, please also review the overall learning objectives for the session that have been provided by the Chair. Your presentation requires a minimum of 25% of interactivity. Feedback will be solicited from the participants and will include and evaluation of clarity, organization, value, achievement of learning objectives for each session. You will receive a summary of your evaluation following the event, for your CV and/or teaching and academic portfolio.
The webinar will be delivered using Zoom video technology. You will be registered as a panelist and will receive an email confirmation from Zoom. Please do not share this link with others as it is a unique link for panelists only. On the day of the Zoom meeting, we will resend your panel invitation so that you have it conveniently available, please sign in about 15 minutes early to ensure all the technology pieces are working correctly.
We invite you to consider pre-recording the didactic portion of your lecture for the following reasons:
- Ensure technology is working sufficiently
- Allow speakers ability to edit presentation and redo if needed
- Timing of session doesn’t run over (we have a very full schedule)
- The speaker will be able to see Q&A from attendees while session plays and prepare for Q&A portion
We understand that it does limit some interactivity and polls would need to happen before and/or after the recorded portion.
The preference is to participate in full video mode – so that participants will be able to see you throughout the event. When you join the webinar, please update your screen to your name so participants will be able to identify you. We will be recording the presentation for our website educational repository.
Through Zoom webinar you will also be connected by audio. You can test your sound quality using Zoom.
As attendees, the audience will not have video or audio functions. Any questions can be submitted using the ‘chat’ or Q&A function within Zoom. Zoom allows panelists to use polling, single choice or multiple choice, questions during a presentation. We are able to launch the poll in real time and show results from the participants. We have the ability to download a report of polling after the meeting.
This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and approved by the Canadian Association of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. You may claim a maximum of 5.0 hour (credits are automatically calculated).
Thank you again for agreeing to participate in this activity. Your involvement is appreciated.